Here at Living Truth Collective, we firmly believe Y(OUR) Story (i.e., testimony) is your song. It’s how you testify to others about who God is and what He’s done in your life. There is a beautiful picture depicted in Isaiah 6 where Isaiah receives a glimpse into God’s throne
room in Heaven. Around God’s throne are seraphim, mystic angelic beings, and they are declaring to one another the Holiness of God, each from their own vantage point of Him. Scripture says that the doorpost and thresholds of Heaven began to shake at the sound of their voices as they declared God's Holiness.

Friend, this is what happens when we share (OUR) stories; we declare God’s Holiness to one another, each from our own vantage point of God, and I believe even our testimonies reach doorpost and thresholds of Heaven to give God praise!

So, rather it's a conversation about the Truth you're wearing (shop our Truth products here), sharing Y(OUR) Story with someone throughout your day, or submitting Y(OUR) Story to be featured on our blog, we want to encourage you to declare God's Holiness as you testify to who God is and what He's done in your life.


Tug of War

Tug of War

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Tug of War

Growing up, I'd play "Tug of War" with kids at school. The goal I had (as with every other child playing) was to keep my feet planted firmly on the...

The Perception of Reality: Rooted in Lies

The Perception of Reality: Rooted in Lies

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The Perception of Reality: Rooted in Lies

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Comparison: The Race Created For You

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Comparison: The Race Created For You

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God's Love For You Is Strong Enough

God's Love For You Is Strong Enough

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To: The Weary World   /   Aimey McClanahan

To: The Weary World / Aimey McClanahan

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To: The Weary World / Aimey McClanahan

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Tis The Season … For Weariness By Jaci McCarty

Things are going to happen in our lives that are difficult, that are hard to swallow, that are heavy to carry.  In John 16:33, Jesus assured us, “in this world...