How Can We Walk Through Defeat?

How Can We Walk Through Defeat?

It was 3:30 in the morning, and I was on my way to my second job. It may have just been the time of morning, but I was on the verge of a breakdown.


I was working two jobs, trying to start a business, and recently grappling with the loss of my mom. There was a lot I was uncertain about, but the one thing I knew was that I had enough. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted, and the only thing that sounded appealing was giving up, running away from my current circumstances, and starting over.


But I couldn’t. And I didn’t. I’m still in the same place, navigating the same things.


As I continued to struggle, it dawned on me that I was trying to do this all on my own. I was not turning to God and allowing Him to carry me through what I was facing.


I stopped myself and prayed to Him, more like pleaded, for help.


I have believed in God for most of my life, but I still have the tendency to believe that I can handle life on my own. Just like many times before, I was learning that God was the only way to make it through this. I needed to allow His instruction and provision. We, as believers, are not meant to carry anything on our own.


As I continued to talk with the Lord, He showed me different things I could do to help me navigate this current season of life that would begin to bring restoration to my soul and I would like to share a few with you:

#1 - Talk with the Lord.

First and foremost, the only way we are going to be able to overcome difficult challenges is by turning them over to God. “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1, HCSB). He is the ultimate comforter and the ultimate provider. Turn to Him and trust in Him to give you what you need.

2 - Take care of our human needs.

We see Elijah in 1 Kings running away in fear from Jezebel. Elijah experienced so much fear and defeat that he prayed to the Lord to die. Elijah slept, and an angel appeared to him and said, “...Get up and eat” (1 Kings 19:5, HCSB). Elijah did as the angel said, slept and ate some more, and then was able to continue on his journey.


The Lord created us to have human needs that have to be met, no matter what season

of life we are in. As we live through different circumstances, especially difficult ones, it is important that we take care of our physical, mental, and emotional needs so we can

continue with what the Lord has placed before us.

3 - Practice Sabbath.

Even though Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments, I think, as a society, we

collectively view it as optional. We honor commandments such as “You shall not commit murder” (Exodus 20:13, HCB), but when it comes to truly resting in the Lord, we think it’s something we can skip.


The truth is that the Lord is just as serious about Sabbath as He is about anything else.

The Lord is so serious about Sabbath that He directed Jeremiah to tell Judah, “If you do

not listen to me to consecrate the Sabbath day by not carrying a load while entering the

gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, I will set fire to its gates, and it will consume the

citadels of Jerusalem and not be extinguished.” (Jeremiah 17:27 HCSB).


God was ready to set Jerusalem on fire with no relief if the people of Judah did not

observe the need to rest in Him. Although it may seem insignificant or too difficult to do, practicing Sabbath is crucial to not only our walk with the Lord, but to our well-being.

4 - Notice the good.

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24, HCSB). Even in our hardest moments, there is always something good to be noticed. Whether it be witnessing an act of worship, watching the sunset, or enjoying a really good cup of coffee; there is something we can notice as being a good part of our day. The Lord creates these blessings for us, and if we don’t stop to savor them, we can miss the good altogether.

5 - Let go of the things that we aren’t meant to carry.

Jesus and His disciples were traveling around preaching when he came to the village

where sisters Mary and Martha lived. Mary was dedicated to the Lord and invited Him

into their home, where she sat and listened to Him speak.


Martha sought out the Lord to express that she was upset that Mary was not helping her

serve the people her sister invited. “The Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are

worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the

right choice, and it will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:41-42, HCSB). There are so many times in this life that we become so consumed by the things we should do that we miss out on the most important things, the things that really matter. Just as the Lord gave Martha the permission to lay those things down, He also grants us to do the same. Let us not become so occupied with everything else that we forget to stop and experience the Lord and all He has given us.


Remember, The Lord Is For Us


Walking through the feeling of defeat can be one of the hardest challenges we can face on this earth. No matter what caused you to get there, the Lord provides us with the hope and guidance we need to overcome those circumstances and move forward.


“As for you, My servant Jacob, do not be afraid—this is the LORD’s declaration—

and do not be dismayed, Israel, for without fail I will save you from far away…” (Jeremiah 30:10, HCSB).


The Lord is coming for us. He’s coming to deliver us, to comfort us, and to provide for us. Hold on to this truth and wait expectantly for Him.





Let's Talk About It: In what ways has God brought restoration to your soul through seasons of defeat? Let's talk about it in the comments!



About Natalie:


Natalie holds a master's degree in social work and is a certified life coach through Go and Tell Gals. She is currently teaching and writes in hopes to be an encouragement to her sisters in Chrsit. It is her mission to help women slow down and step into the abundance that Christ has purchased for all of us. In her spare time, you can find Natalie reading, trying to entertain her two German Shepherds, or admiring the sky.


Follow Natalie on Instagram: @nataliemhochkins and check out her website:


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James 1:17


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