God's Love For You Is Strong Enough

God's Love For You Is Strong Enough


How does God speak to you? Do you have an open line of communication with Him or do the fast-paced demands of life create so much distraction that the call from your Heavenly Father goes unanswered? I struggled with this for years wondering why I wasn't hearing from Him daily until I realized that I needed to humble myself and give my Creator the room in my heart for His Word. I am so thankful that through His grace and mercy, He showed me favor as I began clearing my schedule for Him. At times it's been through a quiet whisper, other times a loud, yet inaudible, shout from within my soul. Recently, He has been speaking to me with a sense of urgency so great that it quickens my heart, leaves me awestruck, yet also drops me to my knees in reverent fear of God. Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

I am stepping out in faith and reverence to share with you what the Spirit of the Lord has spoken to me. I ask that you pray for discernment on what you receive from this, just as I have asked for confirmation of the word given, and discernment in sharing. This word was given to me as I was praying for readiness for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19: 6-9). The Holy Spirit told me to begin writing:

"My love for you is strong enough. My power is made perfect in weakness. For I am not here to steal, kill and destroy, but to make homes for you in heaven. My home is where you will rest your head. Have faith in me, trust also in me. Oh, but the glory I have for you; the glory that awaits you. My power is made perfect in your weakness. Be strong and not afraid. I am here. The Great I AM. So it will be in the passing of time, a great wave to overpower, to overshadow. The kings of this world, the rulers will falter and buckle to their knees. The enemy awaits but my timing is precise. In this time of present darkness there will be sorrow, but take heart, I have overcome the world. I love you. I am the Great I AM."

I asked for confirmation and was given Deuteronomy 31:6, "Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down; he won't leave you."

Friends, if you don't hear from God, if you feel distant from Him, turn to Him. Offer up your "everyday" to Him. He is so good. He will lead you and encourage you like no other. In these times of present darkness, remember that His word is a, "lamp that guides my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105


- Lacey

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